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small layout placeholder imageFood Trucks Ballarata
small layout placeholder image
small layout placeholder imageBallarat Winery open 7 days
AllOne GoatTram CarUmbrella ManTattooed LadyLFFR (Lost Found Forgotten Remembered)

Friday Night Drinks in the Sunset Lounge – November 11th & 25th

Got that Friday feeling? Come in for wine and entertainment in our Sunset Lounge every second Friday Evening in November – the 11th & 25th.

Featuring stellar wine, good food and live music, these events are a beautiful chance to celebrate the start of the weekend. In partnership with The Forge Pizzeria, we can have your favourite pizza’s delivered!

For more information, speak to our friendly cellar door staff on (03) 5349 2021.

Don’t need something to eat – just pop in for a perfect post work glass. Everyone’s welcome!