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small layout placeholder imageFood Trucks Ballarata
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small layout placeholder imageBallarat Winery open 7 days
AllOne GoatTram CarUmbrella ManTattooed LadyLFFR (Lost Found Forgotten Remembered)

Christmas Sale Weekend

Mark your calendars for our massive sale the last weekend of November (25th-27th)! Buy a dozen and get a dozen free on certain lines! 🍾🍾
We’ll also be selling our Christmas Trees grown on the winery grounds. These lush pines start at $40 per tree. Visitors can select from our collection of trees, harvested and ready to collect at our cellar door.
Pre-orders are available – Call 5349 2021 for more information.
We’re running free kids’ activities at the winery.  Bring the family in for our Colouring Competition, and they’ll go into the running to win a $50 Toyworld Voucher.
We also have our Christmas photo booth running with everything you need to capture the Christmas Magic. Take your Christmas Card photo and take home a real Christmas tree grown on the winery grounds.