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small layout placeholder imageFood Trucks Ballarata
small layout placeholder image
small layout placeholder imageBallarat Winery open 7 days
AllOne GoatTram CarUmbrella ManTattooed LadyLFFR (Lost Found Forgotten Remembered)

Tim Bone, Masterchef Australia semi-finalist and the proud owner of Tim’s Toasties, is taking over Michael Unwin Wines for one day only!

Don’t miss your chance to enjoy mouthwatering toasties and special prices on Michael’s finest wines.

Relax and unwind for your Saturday afternoon with live music by Ballarat’s own folk pop duo Haven City.

On the day, our guests will experience the real VIP treatment. With exclusive prices on Michael’s finest drops from his prestigious Tram Car, Umbrella Man and Tattooed Lady ranges, settle in for the day and enjoy special discounts by the glass. If it’s more your style to share a bottle with friends, you will also receive a very generous 25% off any bottle purchased, including take home bottles. There is something for everybody with beer, cider and soft drink also available.

Children under 12 years of age get a free kids size cheese toastie.

Book now to view flavour options.

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